Wednesday, December 19, 2012

TOS Command Chair

When I first started this project I started it for myself. Unfortunately, my person projects never seem to get done, because my projects for my friends and clients always seem to take precedence. My friend Trubby wanted a Command Chair, so I decided to do this for him. He just recently came down and spent three days working with me and getting a feel for what goes into this. So, here are some updates to bring things current, I will be adding a lot more.

My laser cut panels came in today, now I've got to get about drillng out all of the holes and working on the electronics. Fun, fun!
I've been working on a TOS Command Chair for some time and have recently had some new parts laser cut, the pictures below are of Steve Neil's Command Chair, just to show an example. Thanks Steve, you do awesome work!
I've been doing a bit more in the way of screen refs and research and have cast my first set of clear hemisperes to be used for TOS buttons / switches.... Notice that the base plate sits on top of the arm rest and is not recessed.

Got a bit more work done on the Command Chair consoles, will be casting more hemispheres and tomorrow I buy more 1/2 finish plywood and start cutting up base and armrest panels. Yeah, I repeated a couple of pictures.

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