Monday, July 29, 2013

Ironman, Fight, Flight and Fight again... 1:1 Ironman Card Model.

Most recent progress shot, see more below.

Added a posed Iron Patriot to the mix. Woohoo!

Newest additions to my personal collection of Ironman models and poses.

I think these poses look every bit as good as the models you pay for. I'm thinking seriously of having one of these prototyped. The separate poses are laid out like a storyboard.

Below you can see that I'm working on a couple of full scale card models of the Ironman. I've got two of the three poses that I wanted and am waiting on the third. In the mean time, as I have those rare bits of free time to work on something for myself, I've already started on unfolding the models and sorting out the parts. The pictures with me holding the mask parts are from Dungbeetle's mask. I started on that before I had mine done, so I'm going to go with it and yes, all of these models will be fiberglassed, though I will probably only get one done. LOL! Thank you to Thunderchild for posing the models for me! Thanks TC!

The pictures below show recent work on the CG models, the pepakura model and the physical build-up all in five simple pictures. The pics show the addition of the "Storage" pose, the unfold on that and representative pics of the Dungbeetle build-up.

More progress pics.

More Build progress pictures.

More build pics....

.....and still more build pics....

Once again I'm waaaaaay behind on updating my recent work.... Here are some progress photos with more to come.