Friday, February 19, 2016

1:1, 1:3 and 1:6th Nomad Developement.

I should have started this blog post more than a year ago, from this posting that is. Essentially I started doing research and development on the Nomad in order to come up with a screen accurate Nomad in different scales. True, other have done this before, however, I noticed some glaring accuracy issues in virtually every one that I saw, including the one that was the "Star Trek Experience" lo ten years ago when I went to the 40th anniversary convention. At any rate I went back to the source, as with many of the other items I've developed I started with accurate references and screen captures. This post will be updated regularly as I currently have two versions of this in construction and one that has been completed and shipped in 1/6th scale. Check back regularly for updates.

Newest updates below this line...... Note: I started on a set of 1 to 1 Antigrav units and found that they were slightly to large, so I went back and rescaled everything and went back to the original research on the Nomad and scaled everything to the existing Nomads that are under construction, so that the anitgrav units and the Medusa box are all in scale to each other and in scale, perfectly with the Nomads... Below is just some of the recent work, this does not show the electronics and soundboard, sound files and antennas that are to be added to all Nomads, now and in the future. As always, More to Come..... =/\=

More new I:I Nomad Stuff....! I've been going over all of the details and measurements and have made a few changes and corrections and will be recreating one part with new lumber to make it more accurate, more symetric and sturdier for a connection to the base. I've purchased two power antennas for automobiles and will be going with the more expensive versions for the two builds I have and will keep the cheaper one for myself/ I've also been assmbling several, redesigned electronics boards for lighting effects and lights and sounds, to give a higher quality experience and over all hihger value project. I'll be molding and casting all of the detail parts and making fianl templates for kits. Check out the recent pictures, there will be more to come. Keep on Trekkin! =/\= The first few pictures are blown up details, showing a small part of the research that went into getting this right.

New 1/1th stuff...

New 1/6th stuff...

Below are some reference shots of parts I've been working on. I will be updating this and adding pictures and video links.

New construction....

More development.....

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