Newest work on this build....

Graphics and art for deflector pattern circuit.

I'm waaaaay behind on updating this post, to much work, to little time.... I did a trial test of the decals on a spare model and really liked the way the decals turned out, then I continued to work on the pearl paint, to try and get a flawless paint job going.

More work done today......

More recent updates.....

I'm waaaay behind on updating this, so here we go......

I'm still way behind in updating this blog post, problem is, I'd rather spend time actually doing the work than continually taking pictures and explaining things. Besides, when I get in the groove I'm not thinking about the camera, just the build. Anyway, here are a few more updates. I'm holding back a bit ;) I redid some masking and panting because I was happy with the color, I also show a couple of before and after pics. Additionally, there are some progress and variation pics. I'm waiting to hear back from my client on his preferences, so I made several of the same thing. As a matter of fact, I've got three of these demandable ships in the works. I'd MUCH rather build "Our" Refit, or the TOS. I still think this is the worse engineered POS on the planet.

Haven't updates this in awhile, so this update is going to cover two ships, to much going on to update more than one thread today. Below are some pics of the new base construction, the Refit build, the lumber for this base and the TOS Command Chair as well as an update on the Dreadnought. Since I was going to be painting and mixing resin I work on two ships simultaneously. Also, started pouring clear cast resin for the clear spheres for the base. The last picture is just to show the paint guide I'm going with.

Two days of priming, puttying, sanding, painting, masking, detailing, shooting pearl and clear to seal and it barely shows...

I just looked through the blog and realized I had repeated myself a couple of times. I'm going to go through this blog post and edit the entire thing as soon as I have the time and this ship is closer to being done. The problem is that I'm repeating my self right now. I was working on the engineering hull and sat it down to get some grub and hear a pop... A little later I went back to work on the hull and saw that one of the seems had popped lose. To say that I damned near went into a blind rage is an understatement. I looked at the hull and ripped all of the parts lose. If it were a model for myself, I would have just tried to re-glue the hull where it detached, but since I'm doing this for a client I decided to pull it all apart and clean up all the seems and re-glue each joint. I'm not going to fill this blog up with any more pictures than is necessary, but I did want to show some of what ended up taking two days to get back together and refill all the seems etc... At any rate, this is the process after you get this poorly fitting POS glued back together... Putty, primer, paint, recut gridlines, repeat. I hate this model, but instead of just bitching about it I'm getting ready to do something to make it much easier to build and more accurate in the process. BTW, see some of the notes below regards inaccuracies. ;)

More on the 2ndary hull later..... Check this out. The pictures below show the actual primary hull from the filing model, not look at the PL POS model..... See something wrong? LOL! If a garage kit maker tried to sell something like that all of the little rivet counters and whiners would be apoplectic.

Looking back at some of the prop pictures I decided to make a couple additions to my paint guide.

I'm a bit further along that what is currently shown, but I've got to work on something else before lose my mind.

Finally got the engineering hull cleaned up and shot with pearl. Woohoo!

More masking and painting and unmasking...

Some decals that I've developed for this ship, but will be making available to the public. I've been wanting to show a massive update on this blog post, but I've been holding back a bit to show this all in HD video. For new, here's a preview.

Bringing Lance's Refit Build Current, Got a lot more to show.... Refit Soundboard...
Sounds to Lights circuits for TOS, working on the Torpedo and Phaser sound effects and sound to lights for the era ship now....
This is a TNG photo torpedo, after market, light kit for the TNG era torpedo sounds.. I have a much faster, more accurate lighting kit in the works for the TOS, Refit and TNG era models in progress now, using the same sound to lights effects that I've used previously....
I put this together some time ago, as you can see I've been working on the development of my own projects and products for some time.... Base and other pics, working on updating this post with all new pics and video.

More recent work... Catching things up.... I know there's more.. I'm trying to bring everything current, before showing the new work to put everything in perspective.

More to come.....
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